Munich Coaching

Website Development & Client Relationship Management (CRM)

The Client

Munich Coaching, helmed by the inspiring life coach Saeedah in Germany, empowers individuals to achieve their personal and professional goals. Saeedah sought a digital solution to establish a strong online presence, facilitate appointment bookings, and connect with a wider audience seeking guidance and support.


Website Development & Client Relationship Management (CRM)



Prior to partnering with Easify Technology, Munich Coaching lacked an online presence, hindering accessibility for potential clients. This limited Saeedah’s ability to reach a broader audience and effectively manage client inquiries and appointments.


Easify Technology designed a comprehensive strategy to build a user-friendly website for Munich Coaching, incorporating functionalities to streamline appointment booking and client communication:
  1. Website Development: A visually appealing and informative website was developed to showcase Saeedah’s coaching expertise and services. The website features:
    • Compelling About Us Section: A well-crafted “About Us” section introduces Saeedah, her coaching philosophy, and the transformative experiences she offers clients.
    • Services Overview: A clear and concise overview of Saeedah’s coaching services informs potential clients about the areas she specializes in, such as career development, life balance, or stress management.
    • Client Testimonials: Testimonials from satisfied clients add credibility and social proof, building trust with potential clients.
    • Booking Functionality: A seamless online appointment booking system empowers clients to schedule sessions with Saeedah directly through the website. This integration with Saeedah’s calendar ensures appointment availability and eliminates the need for manual scheduling via email or phone calls.
    • Contact Form: A user-friendly contact form allows potential clients to reach out with inquiries or schedule consultations.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Basic SEO optimization was implemented to enhance the website’s visibility in search engine results. This ensures that potential clients searching for life coaching services in Munich can easily discover Saeedah’s website.
  3. Mobile Responsiveness: The website is fully responsive, ensuring optimal functionality and user experience across various devices, including smartphones and tablets. This caters to the growing trend of mobile browsing and allows users to conveniently access information and book appointments on the go.


Through collaboration with Easify Technology, Munich Coaching now boasts a robust online presence. The user-friendly website effectively showcases Saeedah’s expertise, simplifies appointment booking, and streamlines client communication. This innovative solution offers several benefits:
  • Increased Visibility: The website expands Saeedah’s reach, attracting potential clients actively searching for coaching services.
  • Enhanced Credibility: A professional website with client testimonials strengthens Saeedah’s credibility and builds trust with potential clients.
  • Streamlined Bookings: The online booking system empowers clients to schedule appointments easily and efficiently, saving time and effort for both Saeedah and her clients.
  • Improved Communication: The website provides a convenient platform for client inquiries and fosters better communication.
By establishing a strong online presence, Munich Coaching is now well-positioned to connect with a wider audience seeking personal growth and achieve sustainable success through Saeedah’s guidance.
I was very happy with overall my website. Easy to understand and work and update my website. It was very nice that Shaghyl explained and arranged every thing for me . I also like user friendly of website, good customer service and commitment I received.

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